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Between the ages of 1 and 3, your child reaches a whole host of new developmental milestones. Their skills increase many times over: they improve their motor skills, train their speech and expand their vocabulary. Emotional and social development also make great progress.

Like many parents, you are probably wondering how you can encourage your child's development and spirit of discovery. This can be achieved with targeted stimulation and opportunities for experience. It's not about accelerating physical, mental and emotional development, your child sets the pace. We have put together some tips for you that can help to provide your child with targeted support in the first few years of life.

Is your child crying and screaming because they don't want to brush their teeth? Is it throwing itself on the floor in the supermarket because it can't get the chocolate bar? Hello defiant phase! A little consolation: All parents have to go through it at around the age of two. It's normal and fortunately it passes. Nevertheless, it can be very challenging for parents. Here are some practical everyday tips to help you get through this time of unpredictable tantrums.

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