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Good advice is needed in the phase of defiance

So you come more calmly through the time of emotional outbursts


Everyday tips for dealing with defiant behavior

All parents have to go through this: From about the middle of the second year of life, every child develops a certain defiant behavior. This can be milder or more violent. Reassuringly, this is quite normal and is part of your child's developmental process. After the third year of life, the defiant behavior usually stops. On Familienportal.NRW we have compiled helpful tips for you on how to accompany your child well through this phase and how to react more relaxed to a violent outburst of emotion in acute situations.

One last piece of advice

Yes, the defiant phase can be stressful. Still, stay relaxed and don't get carried away with your child's anger. Step out of the room briefly before it escalates and take a deep breath. Remember, it's a phase and it will pass.

This also applies if your child throws a tantrum in public. Don't let anyone tell you that your child is wrong or badly behaved. Try to disregard well-meaning advice and comments from outsiders. Defiant behavior is normal in all children.

Hold on. You will see, with patience and a positive attitude, your offspring will have developed into a more independent and confident child by the end of the defiant phase.

Where can I find help and support?

If the tantrums pile up or you feel overwhelmed and helpless with the situation, find advice at a parental counseling center.

More informationLinks for further reading

Tips on how to deal with children's defiant behavior can be found on the portal of the Federal Center for Health Education BZgA.

If the tantrums pile up or you feel overwhelmed and helpless with the situation, find advice from an educational counseling center.