Learning tips for elementary school children

Learning tips for elementary school children in 1st through 4th gradesE

Text last updated: 2023-06-16

Learning tips for elementary school children in 1st to 4th grade

Children usually start school life highly motivated. They are curious and want to learn to read, write and do math. But after a while, your child may notice that not everything is fun all the time. The demands are high, there are many rules, some tasks are strenuous and not everything always progresses as quickly as desired. How can you help motivate your child to learn without losing the joy of learning?


Don't feel like studying? Some tips that can help.

There are many different reasons why the motivation to learn drops after an initially successful start at school. Many parents wonder how they can counteract. These tips make learning easier:

  • Provide a motivating work environment. Preferably a fixed workstation. All necessary pens, notebooks and books should be ready. Maybe something to drink, but no snacks. Important: Anything that can distract you should not be included. No music, no TV, no toys, no cell phone!
  • Agreed with the child fixed learning times that are manageable. These should be adhered to. So your child knows that it can go play afterwards.
  • Your child should complete tasks alone if possible. Accompany the homework though with interest, answer questions and offer small assistance if it gets stuck. But be sure to encourage your child's independence. This includes that you do not take your child's homework - even if it becomes difficult.
Lerntipps für Grundschulkinder
  • Every child has his or her own pace. Don't expect your child to be able to do everything right away, and definitely don't sit next to your daughter or son the entire time he or she is doing homework. A fear-free learning environment is tremendously important. Do not scold, if it is sometimes slower progress, and do not threaten with bans in case of bad grades or report cards.
  • Show interest: If your child wants to read or show something, encourage and praise him for it. Your recognition for small progress, for effort or perseverance is enormously important. Even later, for example at supper, you can talk in a relaxed way about the school topics and tasks that have just come up. This shows your child that he is doing a "good job".
  • Do not overwhelm your child. Give your child after school, after dinner first of all a breather. Even if it does not go so right with the homework times, a small break in between can help to provide new motivation. It doesn't make sense to keep your child at work for hours on end. Make sure your offspring have enough time for games and sports. This strengthens and makes the head free.
  • Do not exert pressure to perform. Make your child aware that you love him unconditionally - regardless of grades. Encourage your child's special talents in a targeted manner. This gives a sense of achievement and strengthens self-confidence.
  • If you have the impression that your child is overwhelmed, talk to each other about what it may be. Show your child at the same time, what already works well. Make it clear that he or she has many strengths. Support it without becoming a "substitute teacher".
  • Rewards are nice, but they should be the right ones. Of course, motivational encouragement is quite important. But: no learning for money. Do not promise special rewards such as a visit to the zoo, if it is "only" about usual homework.

Where can we find help and advice?

If you have the impression that your child has persistent or serious learning and concentration problems, talk to the class teacher. It is best to seek regular contact with teachers. Teachers know best where things are going well and where things may be stuck. The experienced teachers can assess your child well and give helpful tips for targeted support. If there are learning deficits, you can develop solution strategies together that will help your child.

Tips and support for parents on a wide variety of topics can be found under this link on the school portal of the Ministry of Education NRW.