Diversity management in companies with a focus on LGBTIQ*

Diversity as a success factor

Text last updated: 2025-01-08

Managing diversity

Managing diversity in companies sees the personal and cultural diversity of employees as an opportunity in a changing world of work. Everyone benefits from this: companies and employees alike.


The company

Are you responsible for human resources in a company, looking for specialists or junior staff and want to exploit the full potential of the job market? Are productive collaboration and satisfied employees important to you?


People differ in terms of origin and culture, age, gender, religious beliefs and world views, as well as physical and mental abilities. Sexual and gender identity is also a dimension of diversity.

An estimated 1.3 million LGBTIQ* people live and work in NRW. Many of them are highly qualified and motivated - but often encounter resistance in companies. Even today, many LGBTIQ* employees still feel they have to keep their sexual orientation or gender identity secret because they fear or have already experienced disadvantages in their working life. Yet employees who can work in an open and accepting environment are proven to be more productive.

Diversity management with a focus on LGBTIQ*

Diversity management, i.e. the management of diversity in the company, is an area of HR management and sees diversity in the workforce as a success factor. The diversity of the members of an organization is recognized as potential, valued and actively used.

The benefits for companies can be:

  • Positive image and improved recruitment of specialist staff
  • Increased productivity through new perspectives, skills and knowledge
  • Strengthened team spirit and greater employee loyalty
  • Increased innovative strength
  • Expanded pool for junior staff and trainees
  • Addressing new customer groups

Find out how you can set up your company in a diversity-sensitive way: Below you will find a collection of materials and links on the topic of diversity management in companies with a focus on LGBTIQ*.

What does LGBTIQ* mean?

LSBTIQ* stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter*, non-binary and queer people. The asterisk* stands for the sexual orientations and gender identities that are not directly part of the abbreviation. It is therefore intended to make the entire diversity of queer identities visible.
The abbreviation LGBTIQ* is often used instead of LGBTIQ*. This is the English variant (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter*, queer).

What is diversity management?

It is estimated that at least 1.3 million LGBTIQ* people live and work in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Through successful diversity management, you can help the employees in your company to develop their full potential. Diversity management aims to actively incorporate personal and cultural diversity in the company and use it profitably. This benefits both the company and its employees: Education at the company and motivation increase.

Fibel der vielen kleinen Unterschiede

Do you have any questions about the terms? The Fibel der vielen kleinen Unterschiede by the Anders & Gleich campaign, sponsored by Queeren Netzwerk NRW e. V., is a kind of dictionary that explains terms relating to sexual and gender diversity. The primer is also available in easy language

What is the AGG?

The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), also known as the Anti-Discrimination Act, prohibits discrimination on racial grounds or on the grounds of ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity, among others, including in the world of work.

You can download a guide "Implementing diversity management with a focus on LGBTIQ* in SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises)" here.

A selection of terms with brief explanations of sexual and gender diversity can be found here.

An EU-wide survey by the Berlin-based market research institute Dalia Research (2016) provided figures on the LGBT* share of the population.