Diversity management training

Manual for self- and team training and sensitization

Text last updated: 2025-01-08

Training and sensitization

The diversity management training for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in North Rhine-Westphalia is designed to train and raise awareness among HR managers. It also helps to impart knowledge to employees and raise their awareness.


Interactive and varied

The training was created by the Cologne Institute for Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Research (IDA) and follows on from the IDA publication "Out in the office? Out in front of customers! The work situation of LGBTIQ* people in contact with customers".

The latest findings on diversity issues, dealing with diversity in an appreciative and inclusive way and unlocking the potential of employees and managers are presented using interactive and varied methods and innovative media.

All documents for the relevant training modules for participants and trainers can be downloaded below. This will enable you to carry out the training in your company.

Good luck and enjoy the training.


For participants (TN)


For trainers (TR)


You can download a guide "Implementing diversity management with a focus on LGBTIQ* in SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises)" here.

We have compiled a list of helpful tools that can support you in your diversity management here.

Numerous studies have been published on the topic of gender diversity in employment and occupation. You can find a selection here.

Many organizations, associations and initiatives support companies and employees in business and administration in their anti-discrimination work on sexual and gender diversity. You can find a selection here.

A selection of terms with brief explanations of sexual and gender diversity can be found here.