Studies on diversity management

In-depth information, requirements and implementation options

Text last updated: 2025-01-07

Findings from research

Numerous studies and expert reports have been published in recent years on the topic of gender diversity in employment and occupation, which deal in detail with needs, awareness-raising measures and implementation options, among other things.


A selection

In the following overview, we present some of the studies.

A training course on diversity management, developed by the Institute for Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Research (IDA), supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular in training and sensitizing HR managers. Follow this link to a manual and the necessary documents.

You can download the guide "Implementing diversity management with a focus on LGBTIQ* in SMEs", published by the UNTERNEHMEN VIELFALT network office, here.

We have compiled a list of helpful tools that can support you in your diversity management here.

Many organizations, associations and initiatives support companies and employees in business and administration in their anti-discrimination work on sexual and gender diversity. You can find a selection here.

Explanations of terms relating to sexual and gender diversity can be found here.