Childcare - waiver of the parental contribution
Have you received confirmation of a childcare place for your child? Then you will probably also want to know whether you have to pay parental contributions for the childcare place. Contact your local youth welfare office in good time to find out whether they charge parental contributions, how much they may be and which assessment basis applies for the contribution amount. This information can be found in the local parental contribution regulations. If you receive unemployment benefit II or social benefit, social assistance, housing benefit, asylum benefits or child supplement, you will be exempt from paying parental contributions for the months in which you receive these benefits.
Accessibility statement
The Ministry for Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Flight and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia strives to make its websites accessible. Websites should be designed in such a way that they comply with national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament. The following accessibility statement applies to the website and was created on September X, 2021.
Birth announcement - Miscarriage certificate
A miscarriage or stillbirth is a heavy blow for the parents concerned. You can report the birth to the relevant registry office and receive a certificate.
Birth announcement - Home birth
If your child was born at home, there are a few things you need to consider when reporting the birth.
Family & Partnership
Being a parent is not always easy, no matter how happy you are. A little whirlwind will turn your usual daily routine upside down. Whether you are bringing up your child alone, have to find new roles in your relationship or live together in a colorful family model: There are always new challenges to overcome. With a child, familiar structures change - no matter which family model you live in. Especially at the beginning, some things can be overwhelming for new parents, as roles and relationships have to be redefined. Discover valuable help and advice here on the Familienportal.NRW for creating a family life in which children grow up happily. Single parents in particular face many questions and challenges before and after the birth. There are numerous support and advice services as well as financial help for single pregnant women. Find out here where you can find advice and support.
Fatherhood is good for men.
On this day of action, the focus is on men's health.
State government launches new Family Portal.NRW
The North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Family Affairs has launched a new family portal. The portal is intended to be the first point of contact for families and families-to-be in North Rhine-Westphalia, offering them simple and quick access to child- and family-related services and offers as well as further information in a wide range of life situations.
Time for two
Being parents - remaining lovers
Checklist: How to prepare bottled milk correctly
The exact preparation of the ready milk in the bottle.
A new baby
Growing together in the new family takes time