State government launches new Family Portal.NRW
The North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Family Affairs has launched a new family portal. The portal is intended to be the first point of contact for families and families-to-be in North Rhine-Westphalia, offering them simple and quick access to child- and family-related services and offers as well as further information in a wide range of life situations.
Family Minister Stamp: Information, services and offers for (expectant) families - centrally bundled and easy to understand

Family Minister Joachim Stamp: "We want family policy services and offers to reach families in North Rhine-Westphalia. However, the great variety of different family benefits sometimes means that some benefits do not reach people at all due to a lack of information or a lack of clarity. The digitization of administration offers a great opportunity to bundle information on benefits and access to digital applications, and to relieve families of bureaucracy and unnecessary visits to the authorities."
The new Familienportal.NRW offers assistance on issues related to being a parent and raising children. In addition to comprehensive information, it makes many digitized services and electronic application forms from the public administration accessible online.
The Familienportal.NRW takes into account different life situations and the diversity of families. In the initial phase, the portal bundles information for expectant parents as well as families with children aged 0 to 1 and 10 to 16. The heart of the family portal is the information on online services and electronic application forms for state family benefits that have already been developed.
State Secretary Andreas Bothe: "Our goal is to prepare the offer as close as possible to everyday life. The service offering ranges from downloadable checklists and tips on family life to comprehensible presentations of legal issues and contact persons and addresses. We cordially invite families in North Rhine-Westphalia to help shape the portal with their own wishes and suggestions." The woman employees and coworkers are to be reached for this by Mail to
Step by step the offer is extended in the next months by new contents for further age groups and family topics as well as supporting offers such as Chatfunktionen, multilingual explanations as well as life situation-related exchange formats. In the future, all family services will be bundled on the online platform.
The family portal went on November 8, 2021 in the first expansion stage to the start.
Photocredit: (c) Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration | Photo: H. Severin