Loving care and the earliest possible education are important for children's development - in the family and in daycare centers & co. But what are the developmental milestones between the ages of 3 and 6? First of all, every child develops uniquely and at their own pace. While one child is already happily telling whole stories, another may still be forming very simple, short sentences. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Child development is an individual, continuous and dynamic process. Nevertheless, there are areas of development that can provide guidance and enable needs-based early childhood support and educational opportunities. The areas can be divided into motor skills, language skills, cognitive skills and social-emotional skills. The Familienportal.NRW illustrates the development areas in detail and provides you with lots of helpful information so that you can promote and support your child's development.
Supplement pocket money
Enhance the pocket money
Promotion for your own property
The state and federal development banks support home ownership with low-interest loans
Medical services
What costs are borne by health insurance companies?
Family portal.NRW in eight languages
The multilingual offerings and services make the information accessible to even more families.
Checklist: Baby first equipment
What you really need in the beginning
Forest bingo
Out into the forest and explore nature
Active fatherhood
Two fathers talk about their lives with children and work
Home Box
Discover what surrounds you - 100 ways to search for clues.
Family Center KulturKinderGarten Wuppertal
More than just a daycare center: the Kulturkindergarten is a point of contact for the entire neighborhood