Diversity management

UNTERNEHMEN VIELFALT as a contact point for small and medium-sized enterprises in NRW

Text last updated: 2024-02-22

The NRW state government supports small and medium-sized companies in setting up diversity management

North Rhine-Westphalia is a cosmopolitan state. Our social diversity makes us strong. Based on this conviction, the state government is committed to ensuring that diversity is also visible in everyday working life. The UNTERNEHMEN VIELFALT network office is designed to support small and medium-sized companies in diversity management. The work of the network office focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer employees.


North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state in Germany and it is the home of diversity. Dealing with this diversity within organizations and companies is known as diversity management. The aim of diversity management is to create an inclusive working environment in which all employees have equal opportunities, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age or physical ability.

Numerous companies that operate internationally are already aware of the added value of diversity management. The UNTERNEHMEN VIELFALT network office wants to offer small and medium-sized companies in particular the opportunity to utilize the potential of a diverse workforce. It provides support in this process towards more equal opportunities.

The network office, which is managed by the Prospektiv GmbH agency, focuses on providing free advice to owners, managing directors and HR managers of small and medium-sized companies on planning and implementing diversity management. This includes workshops that train diversity managers, tandems between companies that can learn from each other, but also numerous regional events that promote more diversity.

It is a win-win situation for everyone when personal and cultural diversity is actively integrated into the company and used profitably.

Diversity management sees diversity in the workforce as a success factor and helps to exploit the potential of the labour market. At the same time, it enables more productive collaboration and greater employee satisfaction.

Good company examples from practice

Where can we find help and advice?

At www.unternehmen-vielfalt.nrw, the network office provides information about future projects and events. You will also find extensive material on the portal, such as best practice examples, tools and studies.

The benefits of diversity management for companies can be seen in the following statistics:

In the brochure "Diversity Management - Benefiting from Diversity", the Competence Center for Securing Skilled Workers provides information on good examples from practice: