Good practice: Gender equality in the tech industry

How the company eyeo exceeds compatibility standards

Text last updated: 2024-02-19

The family comes first

At eyeo, this applies to employees in equal measure. Women now make up 43% of the total workforce. In management positions, the proportion of women is as high as 50 percent. Watch the video to find out what it takes to achieve gender equality.

Video file

Work culture is an increasingly important factor when choosing a career. In the video, Jutta Horstmann, COO and Managing Director of eyeo, talks about the demands placed on her company. Employees talk about the benefits they experience through equal opportunities.

Where can we find help and advice?

With the "Competence Centers for Women and Career Competentia NRW", the state government of NRW supports small and medium-sized companies in the region in establishing a personnel policy that promotes women and families. The competence centers for women and work are represented in a total of 15 regions in NRW. Further information and an overview of the regional competence centers can be found on the website Karriere und Wiedereinstieg.

The action program "Gleichstellung am Arbeitsmarkt. Creating prospects" of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has integrated a map of advice centers on its website, which you can use to find contact points in your area nationwide.

You can also get help from the Federal Employment Agency on promoting women, equal opportunities and compatibility:

Tips for promoting equality in your company can be found on the website of the action program "Gleichstellung am Arbeitsmarkt. Creating prospects."