Family vacations without arguments

Tips for a harmonious family vacation

Text last updated: 2024-05-27

Stress-free vacation: here's how

Holidays at last - enjoying the sun, the sea or the mountains, forgetting the stress of everyday life, enjoying the best time of the year. Although the family has been looking forward to the vacation for weeks, it's easy to get into arguments. Read here what you can do to make your next family vacation a harmonious experience that you will remember for a long time to come.


Family arguments on vacation: these are the reasons

There are various reasons why things can quickly go wrong on vacation. Being aware of these can help you to avoid critical situations:

9 tips for a harmonious vacation season

It's completely normal for things to get rowdy on vacation and it happens in the best of families. The following tips will help to minimize the causes of stress and arguments:

  • Plan together
    All family members should be involved in the planning of the vacation: "Who has what wishes and expectations for the time together?". Think together about how this can best be combined. Perhaps everyone can make a wish for a day to do something together. And maybe your son won't find the museum as "stupid" after all as you initially thought. Or you can split up for the day: One parent goes on a bike ride with their son and the other goes to the beach with their daughter - or vice versa.
  • Talking to each other
    Clear and open communication is the best prerequisite for a harmonious family vacation. Conflicts should be addressed directly before they develop into major problems that are later dealt with on vacation. A willingness to compromise on the part of all family members helps, as does trying to respect the needs of others - partners, children, siblings.
  • Plan activities for every taste
    Take the interests of all family members into account when planning activities. Try to find a balanced mix of adventure, sport, relaxation, cultural experiences, etc. so that everyone feels that their interests and wishes are taken into account.
  • Do not set expectations too high
    Make the most of your time together without overloading your expectations of the vacation. Choose experiences together that you enjoy and relax and enjoy a break from everyday life.
  • Choose the right accommodation
    Are you traveling with a baby, a toddler or teenage children? Depending on the size of your family and the age of your children, the accommodation should be equipped differently and be of an appropriate size. When making your choice, make sure that the hotel room, vacation apartment or campsite is really suitable for all family members.
  • Don't overload the vacation program
    Avoid planning too tight a time budget or too many activities. Instead, plan enough free time to "arrive" in the first few days, stay spontaneously and enjoy beautiful moments together. It's best to find out what you can do at your destination before you start your vacation. Depending on your interests, this could be a bike or boat tour, a city tour or a visit to the water park. But also be flexible enough to adapt to changing needs on site. Perhaps the children simply want to enjoy undivided attention with their parents without having to do much, or at other times prefer to do something alone with their peers.
  • Take time for yourself
    Even on a family vacation, it is important to have time for yourself. It's also no good trying to do everything together all the time. Plan a few hours or even a day occasionally where everyone can relax individually or do something they enjoy. This gives everyone the opportunity to recharge their batteries and look forward to doing things together again. It is also important that children learn to show consideration for their parents. You don't have to play Monopoly at 7 a.m. just because your child demands it.Children can also spend some time on their own - reading a book, playing games or listening to music - things that you should not forget when packing.
  • Show flexibility
    The weather doesn't play ball, the excursion is fully booked, a child suddenly falls ill? Despite careful planning, unexpected situations can arise on vacation. Be flexible and prepared to adjust your plans spontaneously if necessary. The most important thing is to enjoy your time with the family and not let small obstacles spoil the fun.
  • Simply say yes
    Certain rules apply at home - and on vacation too, of course. But during the vacations, there is also time for a little exception to make the family vacation something special. So feel free to turn a blind eye now and then, for example when it comes to bedtime or that extra scoop of ice cream in the afternoon.

And if it does come to a dispute: What then?

It's very important: objective arguments are not a bad thing and are part of family life. If there is friction on vacation, the same applies as at home: keep calm! If necessary, count to 10. Listen and try to understand the other party. Don't lose sight of the fact that you are actually interested in the same thing: spending valuable time together on vacation. When all the arguments have been exchanged: Try to find compromises that everyone can live with.

Where can we find help and advice?

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes family vacations in family holiday centers. There, children as well as fathers and mothers will find numerous offers tailored to their needs.

The ADAC offers many travel tips for parents, for example on flying with babies, child-friendly rest stops on freeways and much more:

Further practical tips for a vacation with the family can be found in the family handbook of the State Institute for Early Childhood Education and Media Competence.

The consumer advice center has a travel special with tips for vacations on its platform.

No trip abroad without a passport: Find out about the required travel documents for children well in advance of your departure.

Tips for a relaxing vacation with a small child can be found here on Familieportal.NRW.

What do you need to consider when a baby is on board? The most important tips to read up on:

A vacation with a disabled child needs to be well planned. Find out about travel options and possible support:

You can find tips for games on the go and rainy vacations such as Papperlapapp or Stadt, Land & mehr in the creative time here on the Familienportal.NRW: