Game fun

Papperlapapp, sink ships, cheese boxes and more

Text last updated: 2023-11-13

Games free download

Who still knows them: the classic children's games like city, country, river or cheese box? They have almost fallen into oblivion at a time when online offerings on digital devices are capturing the attention of adults and children more and more. How about turning off the screens for a while and gathering around a table with the whole family to share precious gaming moments together? All you need is paper and pens. The colorful game templates are available here on the Familienportal.NRW to print out for free.

Let's play together!

These classics are still just as entertaining as ever and bring all generations together. They encourage family cohesion, strategic thinking, creativity and language development in children:

Cheese Boxes is a tactics game in which players try to conquer square after square with lines, putting strategic skills to the test. Sink Ships is an exciting naval combat game on paper. It requires logical thinking. Papperlapapp and Stadt, Land & mehr are language-promoting games in which the aim is to find words that match given categories as quickly as possible.

The games are fun and, on top of that, offer valuable learning moments for children. Playing together develops social skills such as teamwork, communication and fairness. Learning to lose is also part of the experience. But even better is the beaming smile that is sure to appear on your child's face when he or she has been able to win a game or use a special strategy. So what are you waiting for?

Have fun with it!

This is how Papperlapapp works


Each player receives a game sheet. Now everyone starts at the same time and writes a name, a person or an animal in the column Who. Then the whole column is folded backwards and the game sheet is passed on to the next player to the right. Now all enter under WAS an activity, e.g. drive, sing or the like. Again, the column is folded back and the game sheet is passed to the right. This continues until all the columns are filled in the whole row. At the end, the sheets are unfolded and read aloud one after the other, what crazy sentences have been created.

(From two people)


How to sink ships


All players place their ships secretly on his playing field by marking the corresponding boxes. The fleet consists of one five, one four, two three and one two boxes. Each person marks on his own playing field the positions he wants to shoot at by placing dots or crosses. The players take turns firing shots at the opponent's box by announcing a position (e.g., "A3" or "C6"). The other person announces whether the shot was a hit (ship hit) or a miss (water hit). The hits are marked on the own playing field to keep track. If a ship was completely hit, this must be reported. The ship is then also marked on its own playing field to indicate that it has been sunk. The players continue the game until all ships on one side have been sunk. The first player to sink all of the opponent's ships wins the game.

We play cheese box


Everyone needs a different colored pencil. Then a playing field is chosen to start with. The goal is to mark as many boxes as possible and conquer the playing field. The players take turns placing their pegs on the corners of each of two adjacent boxes and connecting them with a line to form a square. Once a person has completed a square by drawing the fourth line, thus enclosing a box, they may fill in that box with their color and make another move. If no more boxes can be closed, it is the next person's turn. The game ends when no more lines can be drawn and every box in the board is marked with a color. Who has marked more boxes and conquered the playing field?

(Game for two people)


We play city, country & more


All players place their ships secretly on his playing field by marking the corresponding boxes. The fleet consists of one five, one four, two three and one two boxes. Each person marks on his own playing field the positions he wants to shoot at by placing dots or crosses. The players take turns firing shots at the opponent's box by announcing a position (e.g., "A3" or "C6"). The other person announces whether the shot was a hit (ship hit) or a miss (water hit). The hits are marked on the own playing field to keep track. If a ship was completely hit, this must be reported. The ship is then also marked on its own playing field to indicate that it has been sunk. The players continue the game until all ships on one side have been sunk. Whoever has sunk all the opponent's ships first has won the game.

(from two persons)
