Parental allowance
If you take a break from your job or work part-time after the birth, you will receive parental allowance. This financial benefit allows you to take time for your child and family. Here you will find important information you need to know about parental allowance.
Maintenance advance
Care, education, job, household: single parents bear most of the responsibility alone. Financial worries are added when no or not regular maintenance is paid for the child by the other parent. In this situation, single parents can apply for advance maintenance payments.
Midwifery Aid
The midwife is a valuable companion during pregnancy and the postpartum period. (Expectant) mothers who have statutory health insurance are entitled to the support of a midwife before and after birth. The costs are covered by the health insurance.
Child benefit
Child benefit is paid to all families, regardless of their income. It is paid from birth until at least the child's 18th birthday. Under certain conditions, child benefit is available until the 25th birthday.
Child supplement
In some families, money is tight. If the parents' income is not enough to provide well for the entire family, there is a monthly supplement from the state in addition to child benefit. In which cases you get the child supplement and how you can apply for it, you can find out here.
Multiples allowance
When the birth of triplets or more multiples is announced, parents soon face special challenges. In addition: Especially at the beginning, the expenses increase by leaps and bounds, because the purchases for the baby equipment multiply. This is where the payment of multiple birth benefits aims to provide special support for large families.
Civil partnership certificate
You need another civil partnership certificate? You can only obtain your civil partnership certificate from the registry office in whose area the civil partnership was established.
Acknowledgement of paternity
If the parents are not married to each other, the natural father of a child is not automatically also the legally recognized father. Recognition with all rights and obligations only takes place through the public certification of a declaration by the father. The mother must agree to the declaration.
Maternity recognition
In Germany, motherhood is clearly regulated: Mother of a child is the woman who gave birth to the child.
This regulation does not apply to all countries. If the mother is not married, according to the law of some states, a relationship between mother and child only arises when the mother makes a declaration in which she acknowledges the child.
Declaration of care
Whether it's about choosing a school, taking part in a vacation camp or medical treatment, many decisions have to be made while a child is growing up. Even parents who are not married to each other can share this responsibility for your child. Here you can find out what joint custody means and how to arrange it.