Youth Volunteer Services
12 months of volunteering
Good advice is needed in the defiant phase
How to get through this time of emotional outbursts more calmly
Talking about the war with children
Don't leave children alone with news
Vacation care
Holiday fun with reliable childcare for the vacation season
Encouraging the spirit of discovery
How to support your child's development
Care & education
If you want to return to work soon after giving birth, you should think about childcare early on. If you would like to start thinking about this during your pregnancy, you can find an initial overview of the childcare options in North Rhine-Westphalia here. Which form of childcare is the right one? How do we find suitable daycare? When should we ideally look for it? And how much does it cost? We answer these questions below. Balancing work and family life can be quite challenging and cause uncertainty. We know that a successful return to work depends, among other things, on finding the right childcare - and we won't leave you alone in this situation. In North Rhine-Westphalia, you as parents have a choice of different forms of childcare. Here you can find out which childcare models are available and when is the right time to register.
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On tour with kids
Tips for family-friendly short trips in NRW