Get moving

Playful exercise tips for children

Text last updated: 2024-01-17

Playful exercise tips for everyday life with young children

Crawling, climbing, jumping, running, dancing, balancing: Your child naturally wants to move around a lot. This is how children learn to handle their own bodies, train their balance and become aware of their surroundings. Sufficient exercise is an important prerequisite for physical, mental and personal development.


Exercise is important for children


  • Try out toys with your child that encourage movement: (soft) balls, wobble boards, hula hoops, roller skates, bouncy balls, running bikes, scooters, skateboards, balancing sets, other sports equipment...
  • Walk as often as possible.
  • Train your child to ride a bike.
  • Visit a playground with climbing equipment regularly.
  • Go for a walk, hike or go on a scavenger hunt in the forest.
  • Accompany your child to parent-child gymnastics and children's swimming
  • Create opportunities for exercise in the home and in the nursery.
  • Make weekend trips that encourage physical activity.
  • Find out your child's favorite sport. Let them try out as many different sports as possible


  • Hanging swing or horizontal bar in the door frame
  • Wall bars on the loft bed
  • Gym mat
  • Cushion games
  • Dancing together to music
  • Crawling tunnel (also works with blankets and chairs)
  • Living room course with chairs, table etc.
  • Balloon catching

Outdoor games

  • Swings, climbing and hide-and-seek
  • Puddle jumping, hopscotch, sack races
  • Skipping rope, rubber twist
  • Running forwards and backwards, racing, chasing, jumping on one leg, slalom running
  • Ball games of all kinds (throwing, catching, juggling, target throwing, soccer, badminton, tennis, ...). )
  • Catching soap bubbles
  • Scavenger hunt with treasure hunt
  • Boccia, croquet, mini golf, badminton, ...

What should parents look out for?

If you have the impression that your child is not making progress with important developmental steps, discuss this with your pediatrician. The U-examinations are a good opportunity for this. There may be many gentle, supportive therapies available. The sooner you accept help, the better! If your child is overweight, prefers to sit around or cannot walk backwards, for example: Change something in everyday family life! Play along! You can start at any time!

Where can the NRW children's movement badge (Kibaz) be taken?

The Kinderbewegungsabzeichen NRW (Kibaz) is an exercise program for three to six-year-old children. Kibaz aims to get the youngest children excited about exercise, games and sport. It promotes sports motor skills without measuring the children's performance. The program was developed as part of the NRW bewegt seine KINDER! program and is offered by local sports clubs in cooperation with daycare centers and elementary school. You can find more information about Kibaz on the Sportjugend NRW website.

What is a "recognized movement kindergarten"?

There are 920 daycare centers in North Rhine-Westphalia with the seal of approval
"Recognized movement kindergarten of the Landessportbund NRW". In these daycare centers, the promotion of physical activity for children is the focus of educational work. Further information on this topic can be found on the North Rhine-Westphalia State Sports Association website and on the Familienportal.NRW.

Digital exercise offers

You can access the "Kinder stark machen Mitmachprogramm" (Make children strong) participatory program of the Federal Centre for Health Education BZgA via the website

The German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention has put together a YouTube playlist for children with videos on the topic of exercise.

Fit with Felix: The video series from Bayerischer Rundfunk with ski star Felix Neureuther gets kindergarten children moving in a playful way.

How much exercise do children need? You can find answers and tips to this question on the "GrundGesund" internet portal of the Federal Center for Health Education BZgA.

The "Exercise and sport" information for parents from the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) is available to download free of charge.

Under the motto "Kibaz in the children's room", you will find around 60 attractive game suggestions on this website of Sportjugend NRW, including themed coloring or craft templates for download and in the Familienportal.NRW.

Many local authorities in NRW bundle their services and contact addresses relating to family life (advice centers, parent-child courses, leisure activities and much more) on a special Internet portal. You can find the link to this service for your town or municipality here on our Familienportal.NRW: