Child benefit
All families receive child benefit, regardless of their income. It is paid from birth until at least the child's 18th birthday. Under certain conditions, child benefit is paid until the child's 25th birthday.
Apply now
You can apply for child benefit online on the website of the Federal Employment Agency. Under the following links you will find the appropriate application and also have the opportunity to notify changes:
- Application for child benefit from birth
- Application for child benefit from the age of 18
- Veränderungen mitteilen
If you are employed in the public sector or receive pension payments, you should ask your department or pay office whether you need to apply for child benefit there or at the Federal Employment Agency's family benefits office.
This is where I can turn to
The local family benefits office of the Federal Employment Agency is responsible for child benefit.
You can find the family benefits office responsible for you and the relevant contact details via the office finder of the Federal Employment Agency.
If you are employed in the public sector or receive pension payments, you should ask your department or pay office whether you need to apply for child benefit there or at the Federal Employment Agency's family benefits office.
If you live abroad but work in Germany, the responsibility of the family benefits office is determined by special rules, which are described in the information sheet Child benefit for people in or from abroad.
If you have a question about child benefit, you can contact the service hotline of the Federal Employment Agency:
- Call number 0800 4 5555 30
- Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 18:00
- The call is free of charge for you
- Announcements about the payment date for child benefit are available around the clock on 0800 4 5555 33 (also free of charge)
Simply explained
What is child benefit?
Children cost money. Diapers and baby equipment, clothes and food, later school supplies and hobbies add up to considerable sums.
The state supports parents with child benefit and helps them to pay for the additional expenses.
How much is child benefit?
Child benefit will be increased to 255 euros per child on January 1, 2025. Child benefit of €255 will be paid monthly for the first and all subsequent children. If you already receive or have applied for child benefit, you don't need to worry about anything. The amounts will be adjusted automatically and paid out in the new amount from January 2025.
Until what age is child benefit paid?
In principle, you will receive child benefit from the birth of your child until their 18th birthday. You may also be entitled to child benefit after that.
Child benefit can be paid up to the age of 21 if
- your child is not in gainful employment and
- is registered as a job seeker.
Child benefit can be paid up to your child's 25th birthday if
- your child is in education (school, work, university).
- Your child is completing a recognized voluntary service.
- Your child is in a transitional period lasting a maximum of 4 months, for example between leaving school and vocational training or a recognized voluntary service.
- Your child cannot start or continue their training because they have not found a training place.
- Your child has already completed their first vocational training, but is still in training and working up to 20 hours a week, for example.
If your child has a disability and cannot support themselves financially, you are still entitled to child benefit after their 25th birthday. However, the disability must have occurred before their 25th birthday and be the reason why your child cannot support themselves financially on their own.
To whom is child benefit paid?
Child benefit is paid to you if your child lives in your sole household. If the child lives with both parents, you can jointly decide which of you should receive the child benefit.
This is still important
How is child benefit paid out?
Child benefit is paid out monthly. The last number of your child benefit number (the so-called final digit) determines when the corresponding amounts are transferred to your account. Here you can find an overview of the payment dates.
Which is better, child benefit or the child allowance?
All parents receive child benefit first. The tax office automatically determines whether child benefit or the annual child allowance is more advantageous for you when calculating your income tax each year. This check is carried out automatically and you do not have to apply for it. Child allowances are not paid out. They result in you having to pay less tax.
Further information on special child benefit entitlements can be found here:
- Child benefit for children with disabilities
- Child benefit for people in or from abroad
- Paying child benefit to other people
More information to download
Check claim
Who receives child benefit?
Child benefit can be paid to:
- German nationals who live in Germany with their children.
- Foreign nationals who live in Germany, subject to certain conditions.
- German nationals who live abroad.
Parents receive child benefit. This also includes adoptive parents. Under certain conditions, stepparents, foster parents, siblings and grandparents can receive child benefit. In special cases, payment to the child itself is also possible.
What I need
What information do I need for the application?
- The tax identification number of the child or children,
- the tax identification number of the parent claiming child benefit and
- any additional documents (e.g. birth certificate, proof of the child's education/vocational training, certificate of severe disability)
This must be observed
Can I apply for child benefit retroactively?
Yes, child benefit can be paid retrospectively for up to 6 months. The prerequisite is that you were entitled to child benefit but it was not paid out - for example, because you did not submit an application.
That's how long it takes
The time it takes to process the application varies from region to region. As a rule, it takes around 4 to 6 weeks. It is best to submit the application soon after the birth of your child.
Note: Use the online service of the family benefits office to shorten the processing time.