Parental allowance
If you take a break from your job or work part-time after the birth, you will receive parental allowance. This financial benefit allows you to take time for your child and family. Here you will find important information you need to know about parental allowance.
Information on online application
After you have entered your location below, the link displayed will take you to the online application on the authorities service portal.
To submit the application online, you need a BundID account. The access type "username and password" is sufficient for the online application. All you need is a valid e-mail address. You do not necessarily need an online ID. If you do not yet have a BundID account, you can create one at the start of the online application. Instructions on registration and further information on BundID can be found on the BundID website.
Once you have submitted your application data, you will receive your personal application documents in your BundID mailbox. Please send the signed signature page together with the required documents to your parental allowance office. It will soon be possible to submit the application completely digitally.
You can use the online application to apply for parental allowance for the first time. If there are any changes to an application you have already submitted, you must notify your parental allowance office in writing.
If you do not want to take advantage of the online application, you can also complete the application on paper. You can download the paper application here under Forms and information. Alternatively, you can obtain the paper application from your local parental allowance office.
Apply now
Set locationSimply explained
All information on parental allowance can be found in detail on the parental-allowance page on the Familienportal.NRW.
This is still important
Parental allowance depends on the amount of your income before the birth of your child and the type of parental allowance you choose. Find out how much parental allowance you are entitled to on the page Höhe des-elterngeldes.
Check claim
In order to receive parental allowance, you must meet certain requirements. You can find out what these are on the page Requirements for parental allowance.
What I need
What documents do I need to apply for parental allowance?
After completing the online application, you will receive a list of documents in your BundID mailbox. The list of documents lists all the documents that are required to process your parental allowance application and provides information on the documents that you have already submitted electronically with your application. Please submit any missing documents together with the signature page by post to your parental allowance office.
Typically, you will need at least the following documents:
- The child's birth certificate with the intended use for parental allowance (or for social purposes) in the original. You can obtain this from the registry office with the birth certificate.
- Proof of income: The last 12 payslips before the birth or before maternity leave are required for parental allowance. If you are self-employed, submit your tax assessment for the previous year of the birth. If you are also employed in addition to being self-employed, you will also need the tax assessment from the previous year of the birth as well as the wage and salary statements from the previous year of the birth. If your income from self-employment is comparatively low, you can choose whether the parental allowance should be calculated from the income in the calendar year before the birth or from the income from the last twelve months before the birth. If you receive an allowance for maternity pay from your employer: a corresponding certificate from your employer.
- If you have statutory health insurance: the health insurance certificate confirming receipt of maternity pay after the birth.
- If you have private health insurance, submit the certificate confirming daily sickness allowance during maternity leave.
That's how long it takes
The processing time for parental allowance is usually between 2 and 6 weeks.
These costs arise
Legal matters
Parental allowance is regulated in the Act on Parental Allowance and Parental Leave.
If your parental allowance has been calculated incorrectly, you must lodge a written appeal against the decision of the parental allowance office within one month of receipt. The social courts are responsible for appeals against the decision.