Early help

The birth of a child is the start of a new phase of life for the whole family. It takes time and sometimes nerves of steel to get back into the swing of things. With "Frühe Hilfen" (early help), you can be supported with a wide range of services if you need relief, advice on specific topics relating to children and family and much more.

Text last updated: 2024-06-28

Apply now

No application is required to make use of early help services.

This is where I can turn to

The youth welfare offices of the districts and independent cities as well as independent providers are responsible for the services.

Simply explained

Early help is a free service for parents and children from the beginning of pregnancy and in the first years of life, with a focus on the 0 to 3 age group.

These services, which are aimed at all (expectant) parents and their children and especially families in stressful situations, provide early support. They aim to improve the development opportunities of children and parents at an early stage and in the long term and to enable children to grow up healthily and secure their rights to protection, support and participation.

In addition to practical day-to-day support, early help also makes a particular contribution to promoting the relationship and parenting skills of mothers and fathers.
The services can be used without a great deal of bureaucracy and are always treated confidentially.

The early help services vary depending on where you live and consist of information, advice and concrete help.

Examples of support services can include support from a family midwife or family health and child nurse (FGKiKP), volunteer family mentors, parent meetings and parenting courses, welcome visits after the birth of a child, advice in family and parenting advice centers, open consultation hours, pregnancy advice centers or outpatient clinics for crying babies.

Check claim

You can enquire about the early help services during pregnancy and after the birth of your child up to the age of 3.

That's how long it takes

The processing time may vary due to regional differences. However, due to the often acute needs, offers become available quickly.

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