Dissatisfied with the training

Problems in training: What to do if it doesn't fit?

Text last updated: 2024-09-02

When things aren't going well in training

Sometimes things don't go as smoothly as desired during training. If trainees are unhappy with their choice, the question arises: continue or drop out? In principle, dropping out of training is not a tragedy. Nevertheless, it is worth not giving up straight away. A discussion with the training company or training advice can often help. Find out where you can go and what important things you should bear in mind if your professional future takes an unplanned turn.


In many cases, several reasons come together

The reasons for dissatisfaction with the training must be considered individually in each case. Different problems often come together. Common reasons can be, for example:

  • It turns out that the career choice does not meet personal expectations, ideas and interests.
  • Health problems arise.
  • Difficulties and trouble arise at work with superiors or colleagues.
  • The performance at work and/or grades at vocational school are poor and do not meet company expectations.
  • The necessary support in the company is missing. The trainee feels left alone or overwhelmed.
  • Family problems or relocation force them to end their training prematurely.
  • The trainee finds an alternative career that suits him or her better.

If you are dissatisfied with your apprenticeship or are thinking about dropping out, you should address the reasons early on. The first step can be an open discussion with the training company. Together they can discuss how the situation can be improved and what support the company can offer. It is also worth talking to the parents about the causes and possible solutions. In many cases, ways can be found to overcome existing difficulties and successfully complete the training despite stumbling blocks.

Stay or drop out? Trainees can contact these offices

If the difficulties in the company cannot be resolved through personal discussions, trainees can make use of external counseling services - the earlier the better. Counseling is free of charge, independent and confidential. The trainer is only involved if the trainee agrees.

In many questions relating to training, these contact points, among others, offer decision-making aids and support:

  • Careers advice from the Federal Employment Agency: The careers advice service can discuss whether assisted training (AsA) is an option. A training mentor accompanies the further training, organizes tutoring sessions, for example, or helps to address and solve problems in the company. Perhaps the training you have started can be continued in another company? Possible alternatives can be discussed and initiated with the careers advisor at the Federal Employment Agency.
  • The training advice service at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce or at the relevant Chamber of Crafts is the right place to go when it comes to the quality of training and legal issues during training.
  • The initiative VerAplus offers free advice - this is short for Verhinderung von Ausbildungsabbrüchen (prevention of training dropouts). VerAplus is run by volunteer coaches from the Senior Expert Service, who have many years of professional experience and are specially trained to support young people. The Senior Expert Service is a large German voluntary organization sponsored by the German economy.
  • The school and social pedagogues at vocational schools can also help. They know about possible offers and measures when it comes to difficulties and remedying learning deficits at school.

Where can we find help and support?

The Federal Employment Agency can help with all questions relating to career guidance and training. You can request an appointment for a personal consultation online, by telephone (0800 4 555500) or via the contact form. A video consultation is also possible.

The training advisors at the IHKs are competent contacts for trainees in all matters relating to in-company training. By entering your city or zip code online, you can go directly to the services offered by your local IHK.

The chambers of crafts and trades also have a large network of regional training advisors. The zip code assistant will take you directly to the relevant Chamber of Crafts.

If you would like to take advantage of the VerAplus offer, you can find information material on the portal www.ses-bonn.de. Click here to go directly to the registration form.