Healthy parents
How parents bring more movement into everyday life
Leisure time
Are you pregnant and want to travel? Expectant parents often feel the desire to enjoy a vacation for two before everyday family life starts with all its facets. But what is the best time to do this during pregnancy? And are there any restrictions that need to be taken into account on vacation? What about air travel? We have put together some important tips for your vacation during pregnancy. Here you can find out how you can travel with confidence as a pregnant woman and which aspects you should pay particular attention to during this time.
Your own cell phone
Recommendations and rules for cell phone use at primary school age.
Bullying at school
Bullying at school
Most parents want to reconcile work and family. How can the balancing act succeed without families slipping into an unwanted division of roles or one of the two feels that they have to take a back seat professionally? For this it needs certain conditions and agreements: a working environment that takes into account the needs of parents, reliable childcare and a good organization of everyday family life..
In this section you can get information about family-friendly working time models and find consulting services as well as tips around the topic of compatibility of family and career..
Simply on the ears
Podcast recommendations with tips and advice.
Fair partnership
Who does what and how much?
You can deduct these special expenses from your taxes.
Primary school forms in NRW
Parents' info on school concepts and registration procedures.
State benefits for families
What financial aid, grants and tax breaks do families and single parents get?