Compatibility and employer branding

How family-friendly companies become strong brands

Text last updated: 2024-02-22

The path to an attractive employer brand

There is a shortage of qualified personnel in many sectors. Only attractive employers can attract and retain skilled workers. It's not just a matter of offering work-life balance measures, but also communicating these to the public. Find out here what is important when it comes to employer branding.


Employees are placing more and more value on a good work-life balance when choosing their employer. Reason enough to integrate this aspect into the employer brand and communicate it to the outside world. The development of this brand should be strategically planned and go through the following steps:

  • Company analysis
    Think about what makes you stand out as a company and where your strengths lie. Perhaps you offer particularly flexible working hours that make it easier for your employees to reconcile family and career. Or perhaps you have reserved childcare places for your employees' children in a nearby or even in-house daycare center.

    All of this can be used to highlight the attractiveness of your company. In this context, take a critical look at your company mission statement and make yourself aware of what you want to stand for. See which aspects you are already implementing satisfactorily and where there is still room for improvement. This will ultimately result in a well-rounded, convincing overall picture that will have a positive impact on your employer brand.
  • Environment analysis
    Evaluate which measures and content your competitors use to distinguish themselves. If you know these, you will know how you can positively differentiate yourself from them.
  • Key messages
    Once you have decided which content you want to use to position yourself as an attractive employer, you should record this in clear messages. Avoid detailed explanations and background information. It is important to reach the target groups on an emotional level with short, catchy, individual texts.
  • Communication
    Finally, think about how you can communicate your employer brand. Focus on the defined core messages on your website, for example. Think about how you can use social media, professional networks, job advertisements and trade fair appearances to present your attractiveness as an employer.

    Also make sure that you keep your employees informed and involved. Only if they are convinced and support the content can you communicate authentically to the outside world. Integrate the topic of employer branding and its evaluation into employee interviews and the onboarding process, for example.

    Let your employees talk positively about your company as brand ambassadors by sharing authentic insights about their job on their own social channels.
  • Focus on career and family
    With the berufundfamilie audit, berufundfamilie Service GmbH supports companies in shaping their HR policy in a family and life-phase conscious manner. First, the current situation and the company-specific needs and potential are analyzed. Building on this, the next step is to define specific goals and measures in various fields of action such as management, work organization and personnel development. If you successfully pass the audit, you will receive a certificate that proves your commitment and strengthens your employer brand.
  • Becoming an attractive employer with an award
    If you manage to position yourself as an attractive employer in the context of employer branding, you have a decisive advantage in the competition for skilled workers. With various awards and certificates, you can show that you are committed in this area.

Good company examples from practice

Where can we find help and advice

The Initiative for New Quality of Work (INQA) of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) gives you access to a wide range of advice on modern HR policies. You can use the free INQA checks to examine the status quo in your company and, based on this, move on to personalized INQA coaching. Up to 80 percent of the consulting costs can be subsidized.

Further information on employer branding and checklists can be found on the website of the Competence Center for Securing Skilled Workers (KOFA):

The berufundfamilie audit management tool can support employers in aligning their HR policy with family awareness and developing needs-based measures.