Financial & formalities
The 16th and 18th birthdays are eagerly awaited by most teenagers. The great independence and the feeling of freedom are within reach. After all, every birthday brings new rights - but also new responsibilities. What was previously conveniently arranged by parents now requires a little more personal commitment and self-responsible organization, always depending on your own life path.
Many young people start working small part-time jobs as teenagers to supplement their pocket money. Others are already planning what they will do after school and how they can finance their studies, a stay abroad or a specific apprenticeship. And then there's the big dream of their first apartment - or at least a room in a shared flat. How does it all work, and what laws actually apply to young people who are slowly growing up? What new insurance policies do they need to take out and what obligations do they have to observe? Are there any state subsidies for education and the like? What can parents do to keep an overview and support their children? Here you will find answers and useful information on rights and obligations, financial issues relating to money and insurance as well as formal to-dos for young adolescents.
Any family can get into financial difficulties - so it's all the more important to know what help and support options are available. In this focus topic, parents are given helpful tips on how to talk to their children about money worries and give them a healthy financial education. Young people also make financial decisions where it is important to recognize and prevent cost traps and debts in good time - be it through online subscriptions, instalment purchases or contracts. Those who deal with financial responsibility at an early age and actively avoid debt create a solid basis for the future. On the Familienportal.NRW you will find practical tips, contact points and advice services to help you solve financial problems and remain worry-free in the long term.