Men's health knowledge series

Knowledge and tips for a healthy life

Text last updated: 2024-02-01

Men: Pay more attention to a healthy lifestyle!

Would you like to do more for yourself and rediscover the topic of "health"? A knowledge series from the "Men's Health" foundation supports you with informative guide booklets on a total of 26 topics from high blood pressure to sleep disorders and testosterone deficiency.


For many fathers, the birth of their child is also an opportunity to take a closer look at their own health and fitness: What role does exercise play in my everyday life? What is on my plate every day? How refreshed do I get up in the morning after a good night's sleep? What can I do specifically to prevent serious illnesses? Questions that are of great importance with regard to physical, mental and social well-being.

Prevent - stay fit

Studies on men's health show: Men often lack suitable and easily accessible information materials to approach these topics. Their awareness of their own health often only awakens when complaints impair their performance. Especially in the case of urological and mental illnesses, men often find it difficult to seek advice and medical help at an early stage. Do things differently and put preventative health issues on your list of priorities. The "Men's health" guidebook series can close (knowledge) gaps in an uncomplicated way.

Knowledge compact

If you want to find out more about a healthy lifestyle and learn about easy-to-implement preventative measures, you will quickly find what you are looking for in this series of guides. In an understandable and informative way, it looks at a total of 25 different health topics and encourages readers to take care of their health concerns. The booklets, which are specially tailored to the needs of men, are each dedicated to a specific topic: sleep, nutrition or burnout are represented as well as headaches, back pain or high blood pressure. Men's illnesses, which are often taboo, are also addressed.

Background information on the knowledge series

A total of 26 booklets in the "Men's Health" knowledge series have been published by the Men's Health Foundation to date, eight of them together with the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). The individual editions of the guidebook series are developed under the scientific direction of proven experts in the field.

Where can I find help and advice?

The Men's Health Foundation wants to encourage boys and men to take good care of their own health. Information and tips for a healthy life can be found on the internet portal

The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) ranks with its Men's Health Portal is also aimed specifically at boys and men.

You can also find an overview of organizations and providers of self-help and advice services on the BZgA's men's health portal.

The booklets can be ordered or downloaded free of charge via the Stiftung Männergesundheit portal. (For orders of 21 booklets or more, shipping costs apply.)

Ordering is also possible via the store of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA)
