Child sickness benefit

Sick child: what now? New rules for child sickness benefit apply from 2024

Child sick pay and time off work are regulated by law

If your child wakes up in the morning with a fever or a call comes from the daycare center that your child needs to be picked up immediately due to illness, a parent often has to stay at home at short notice to look after the sick child. You don't have to worry about your job because of this. You can look after your sick child at home if necessary. Parents have a legal right to this. Anyone with statutory health insurance can receive child sickness benefit. Find out which rules apply from January 1, 2024 here.


Less stress for parents, less bureaucracy: since the turn of the year 2023/2024, parents have been able to apply for sick leave by telephone for mild symptoms.

We have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions about children's sick pay:

Where can we find help and advice?

If you are not granted paid leave by your employer when your child is ill and you have questions about children's sick pay, it is best to contact your statutory health insurance fund directly. You can find further online information on how to apply for child sickness benefit on the websites of many health insurance funds under the keyword "Apply for child sickness benefit".

You can find information on children's sick days and children's sick pay on the Federal Ministry of Health's website:

Further information on children's sick pay and time off work can be found on the website of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA).