Family centers in the Arnsberg model

Awarded with the German Daycare Prize: an alliance with exemplary character

Text last updated: 2023-12-19

Awarded the German Daycare Prize: An alliance with a role model character

The "Family Centers in the Arnsberg Model" network family-friendly services in the respective social areas of the city. The special thing about the alliance is that 18 family centers with different sponsors cooperate hand in hand without competition. All family centers pursue one goal: to enable children in Arnsberg to grow up well. As a role model for its outstanding organization, the alliance was awarded first place in the German Daycare Prize in 2022. Find out more about the "Arnsberg model" in this article. We spoke to Karin Tillmann, Head of Family Centers in the Arnsberg Model, about the special features.


What is special about the family centers in the Arnsberg model and how do they differ from the "normal" daycare centers in your city?

The family centers in the Arnsberg model all work together very closely and across districts, so that we and the representatives of the providers support each other well. Together, we offer children and their families, as well as all other interested parties, a wide range of services.

At district level, we offer services tailored to the social area. These are available to all facilities, not just the family centers. The daycare centers in the district can benefit from the variety of offers and also advertise the offers in their facilities, thus giving their families access to our offers. These range from open play and exercise activities, dispute resolution courses and counseling sessions to special father-child activities. The Arnsberg Family Centers' own alliance app for smartphones provides parents with a good overview of all offers and makes it easy for families to book.

Why is it important for you to be in close contact with the parents?

Working with the children and their families is the main component of our work. Only if we are in close contact with the parents can we find out what the families are currently thinking about. Recognizing their needs and thus aligning our future services with the needs of our families is very important to us.

What specific advice and support services do you offer families in Arnsberg? What concerns can parents come to you with?

There are a wide variety of offers. From leisure activities to spend time together as a family, to parents' evenings or advice on a wide range of topics, to finding therapists, etc.

In principle, parents can come to us with any concerns. The advantage here is the large network in Arnsberg and the close cooperation of all family centers.

All offers are free of charge or only a small fee is charged.

Family centers can't solve all problems: How do you help families if you can't offer a suitable service yourself? How do you organize successful collaboration?

If a service is not available at one family center, it can be found at another. Our alliance app has created a simple booking option for this. For families who are not mobile, we organize car pools or similar assistance so that they can take part in the desired offer. Advice folders are also available in the facilities, from which parents can find further addresses and contacts on a wide range of topics.

You talk about tailor-made services for individual districts. How do you determine the respective needs of local families?

A parent survey is carried out every year. This allows us to find out what our families in the district currently need. The family centers have regular district meetings and this is where future services are coordinated.

Where do you currently see the biggest challenges for families?

The political framework conditions are not making it easy for everyone. For many families, it is difficult to reconcile work and family life. The financial situation of many families is a major challenge. The cost of living has risen enormously, causing parents to suffer from existential fears. It is also noticeable that social interaction has suffered as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Added to this is the shortage of skilled workers, which has been known for many years and is now unfolding its full impact.

What is the next goal you want to achieve with the family centers in Arnsberg?

We as family centers need to connect parents more with each other through various services. Social contacts need to be re-established. It is important that the services offered by the family centers continue to be offered at a low cost or even free of charge.

Winning the German Kitapreis in 2022 has confirmed how well our alliance of family centers in the Arnsberg model is set up - a very good example of how cross-agency work can work for the benefit of children, their families and the districts.

It is important to maintain and further expand this quality. To do this, we need good and reliable framework conditions.

Further information on the Arnsberg model can be found on the Arnsberg city website at:

You can watch a video portrait of the family centers in the Arnsberg model on the German Daycare Prize website: