Multiples allowance
When the birth of triplets or more multiples is announced, parents soon face special challenges. In addition: Especially at the beginning, the expenses increase by leaps and bounds, because the purchases for the baby equipment multiply. This is where the payment of multiple birth benefits aims to provide special support for large families.
Apply now
A separate application for support by the parents is not necessary. The payment of the multiple birth allowance takes place after the responsible registration office has reported the multiple birth to the State Chancellery.
Simply explained
What is the multiple child allowance?
Parents of triplets or more children born the same are significantly more financially burdened. Baby equipment, clothing, diapers - everything must be purchased several times. In this situation, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia provides support. The multiple birth allowance is intended to alleviate the additional expenses somewhat, especially in the early days.
What is the amount of the multiple child allowance?
The multiple child allowance is a one-time 1,000 euros per child. The Prime Minister of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia takes at the same time the honorary sponsorship for the multiple children.
How is the multiple child allowance paid?
After being informed about the multiple birth by the registration office, parents receive a personal letter from the Prime Minister. In it, they are informed about the honorary sponsorship of the Prime Minister and the associated welcome money. The multiple birth money is paid to the parents by bank transfer.
This is still important
For parents-to-be expecting multiples, there are free regional counseling centers. You can find a counseling center near you using, among other things, the online finder of the DAJEB (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Jugend- und Eheberatung e. V.).
Check claim
Who is eligible?
Eligible for support are parents of triplets or more multiples born on or after January 1, 2019. Prerequisite for payment is that the parents are registered in North Rhine-Westphalia at the time of birth.
It takes that long
Typically 6 to 8 weeks.
Multiple allowances were introduced by the state government by decree on January 1, 2019.