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Travel during pregnancy

Tips for the vacation during pregnancy


Traveling during pregnancy

Nine months of pregnancy is a long time. Expectant parents like to think about a vacation together. To relax and enjoy a relaxing time as a couple, the middle pregnancy period is best suited. How a vacation during pregnancy can look like and what you should consider when planning your trip, you can read here.

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When is the best time for a vacation with a baby bump?

From a medical point of view, the middle third of pregnancy, i.e. the time between the 14th and 27th week of pregnancy, is considered the most favorable time for travel. By then, the unborn baby has settled well in the mother's belly and usually morning sickness has also disappeared after the first 3 months. Many pregnant women feel particularly well between the 4th and 7th month. The baby bump is not yet so much in the way. This means that nothing stands in the way of excursions and undertakings.

Who wants to travel in the first trimester, should in any case consult with the gynecologist about possible risks. The same applies to the last trimester.

A vacation in the last weeks before the birth is only recommended to a limited extent. Then the increasingly growing belly becomes more obstructive, also swelling legs and feet restrict mobility. If the baby comes too early, a clinic should be near the vacation destination.

Are pregnant women allowed to fly?

Flying is generally considered safe for pregnant women, certain restrictions apply to the first and last trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, nothing stands in the way of air travel in principle, as long as there are no medical concerns. Those who have a fear of flying or an increased risk of premature birth should better not fly during pregnancy.

For pregnant women from the 36th week, many airlines have a flight ban, for others already from the 32nd week. A medical certificate of fitness to fly may be required. Ask your airline or travel agency about the applicable regulations beforehand. To prevent thrombosis, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water and walk up and down the aisle from time to time. Support or compression stockings should be worn as a preventive measure.

How far can the journey go?

Which destination you head for is of course entirely up to your wishes and ideas. The adventure does not have to take you to the end of the world. A shorter journey is certainly more pleasant during pregnancy. It is not advisable to travel to countries with high temperatures and humidity because of the physical strain. This applies in particular to areas where there is a high risk of contracting malaria.

  • Vacation destinations in Europe have the advantage that the journey is manageably long and there is no jet lag involved. It is advisable to pay attention to temperature changes. In the summery south the heat climbs already times gladly toward 40 degrees. This puts a great strain on the circulation and the body of pregnant women. Ideal are destinations where the temperatures remain below tolerable 30 degrees.
  • Who makes a vacation in the mountains, should consider that from 1,800 meters the air becomes thinner. Then it may come to dizziness and oxygen deprivation.
  • For long-distance travel to exotic countries, consider not only the duration of the long-haul flight, but also a possible increased risk of infection. Tropical and subtropical countries are less suitable as travel destinations because of the risk of infection with yellow fever, malaria or hepatitis. Vaccinations during pregnancy are recommended by the Permanent Vaccination Commission of the Robert Koch Institute only in absolutely necessary cases. Malaria prophylaxis is therefore only possible to a very limited extent for pregnant women. Whoever is infected with malaria risks serious consequences that can lead to premature birth or stillbirth.

What should pregnant women pay special attention to before and during their vacation?

  • Get the okay from your doctor, physician or midwife before you start your trip.
  • The maternity passport belongs in any case in the luggage.
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  • The medical care on site should be secured. Keep the number of a gynecologist or a gynecologist handy in case any discomfort occurs. Emergency contacts always belong in your carry-on luggage.
  • When taking out travel cancellation insurance, be sure to check whether pregnancy complications are covered as a reason for cancellation or termination.
  • More relaxation than exertion: Try to avoid unnecessary stress. When traveling, sufficient rest breaks are recommended.
  • You should avoid unnecessary risks of accidents during sports activities on vacation, such as skiing, diving, climbing, rafting or similar sports.
  • Pregnant women should always eat healthy and regularly, as well as drink plenty of fluids. Take special care to drink only boiled water in southern areas as a precaution and avoid ice cubes, etc.. Care should also be taken with unpeeled fruits and vegetables, salads and cold cuts.

More informationLinks for further reading

Information about beautiful destinations near you can be found on the website NRW Tourism
