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If you are considering adopting a child, many questions arise about the procedures and requirements. On the Familienportal.NRW you can find comprehensive information about the ways of adopting a foreign child from Germany or abroad, about adopting a related child or a stepchild.
In Germany, there is one divorce for every three marriages. Broken love always means a big change for everyone involved. In addition to hurt feelings and the shattered dream of family happiness, there are many questions to be clarified, ranging from crisis management and parental responsibility to the economic consequences. On the Familienportal.NRW you will find important information on the topics of separation and divorce as well as counseling services to help you cope with the situation.
Rainbow Families
Family life in North Rhine-Westphalia is diverse and colorful. On the Familienportal.NRW, queer couples can find information and suggestions on various issues related to life as a rainbow family, as well as contact addresses for counseling centers and support services.
Patchwork Families
It takes time for you to get along well as a patchwork family. Parents as well as the ex-partner are responsible for ensuring that the children are doing well in the new family constellation. The Familienportal.NRW points out challenges and solutions, gives tips for living together and helps to find suitable counseling services when things get difficult.
People with disabilities as parents
Counseling for relatives of people with disabilities who have a child.
Early help
The birth of a child is the start of a new phase of life for the whole family. It takes time and sometimes nerves of steel to get back into the swing of things. With "Frühe Hilfen" (early help), you can be supported with a wide range of services if you need relief, advice on specific topics relating to children and family and much more.
Childcare - Registration
Are you looking for a childcare place for your child in daycare or a nursery? This way! Find out as early as possible from the daycare center or childminder of your choice or from your local youth welfare office whether there are any childcare places available at the center or childminder of your choice.
Childcare - calculation of the parental contribution
You have received the commitment for a childcare place for your child? Then you will certainly also want to know how high the parental contributions for the childcare place are. Find out early on from your local youth welfare office whether it charges parental contributions, how much they are, if any, and what the assessment basis is for the amount of the contribution. This information is specified in the local parent contribution statutes.