Pedagogical concepts in daycare centers

Kitas differ in their focus. Which concept suits your child?

Child day care facilities and child day care have the legal mandate to care for, raise and educate the children entrusted to them. In doing so, they set different priorities. To help families choose a concept that is well suited to their child and his or her personality, we present various educational concepts here as examples.


Which daycare center suits us?

What distinguishes daycare from daycare facilities, what distinguishes daycare facilities from each other? How can I find a childcare option that is a good fit for my child? These are the questions families ask when they are looking for a daycare center or daycare for their child. Central statements about how a day care center works and what the pedagogical specialists focus on in their work can be found in the so-called pedagogical concept. There you will find information about the pedagogical goals, their implementation in the day-to-day life of the daycare center, the acclimatization of a child, the exchange with parents, the cooperation with other persons and institutions in the environment of the facility as well as the spatial and organizational framework conditions of the care offer.


Early childhood education and equal opportunities

Good early childhood education is a decisive factor for more equal opportunities. Against this backdrop, daycare providers, the two state youth welfare offices and the Ministry of Children and Youth of North Rhine-Westphalia have agreed on an education agreement that focuses on the holistic relationship between education, upbringing and care. In addition to the education agreement, the evaluated and revised education principles for children from 0 to 10 years in NRW have been available since 2015 (currently valid version from 2018). These educational principles are intended to accompany and support the pedagogical specialists and teachers in the elementary and primary sectors in their daily work. The educational agreement as well as the educational principles are used as a basis for the development of the pedagogical concept. Further information as well as a reading version of the educational principles can be found on the KiTa-Portal NRW.

Some facilities and day care centers already have their special educational concept or focus in their name or in a name suffix. Forest kindergartens, Montessori and Waldorf facilities, as well as recognized movement kindergartens are examples that we present in more detail here.

Each child day care center and each child day care worker (childminder or child minder) decides on a pedagogical direction, as it appears to her for the implementation of their educational mission and in the context of local sensible. The common thread running through almost all pedagogical approaches is an understanding of education as self-education. As a result, today's educational professionals and daycare workers increasingly see themselves as learning companions who support children in their self-designed learning processes and give them impetus for this.

On the Familienportal.NRW you will find a "Pädagogik-Glossar" with frequently used terms and often quoted approaches from early childhood education, provided with short explanations. It can assist in reading pedagogical concepts.

The Kita-Portal NRW bundles all information and offers on the topics of care and early education for children aged 0 to 6 years.