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Eating disorders

Too fat? Too thin? Always dissatisfied with your weight?

Too fat? Too thin? Always unhappy with your weight?

Are your thoughts constantly revolving around food? Do you feel uncomfortable in your body or unhappy with your weight and figure? Maybe you sometimes wonder if your eating habits are healthy? If you think something is wrong, get help. The sooner, the better. Here's where to turn.


What are eating disorders?

Eating disorders are a serious condition. They can have many triggers and often appear during adolescence. The most common eating disorders are anorexia (anorexia), bulimia (binge eating) and binge eating. However, mixed forms also frequently occur.

Do I have an eating disorder?

Only doctors or psychotherapists can make a reliable diagnosis. For an initial self-assessment, the following warning signs indicate an eating disorder:

  • When I look in the mirror, I feel too fat.
  • I am dissatisfied with myself and often unhappy.
  • I am afraid of eating too much and gaining weight.
  • I constantly think about my appearance, figure and weight.
  • I constantly check my weight.
  • If I gain a few grams, I immediately react to it.
  • I have a guilty conscience when I eat sweet or fatty food.
  • .
  • I think about food all the time.
  • I divide food into allowed and disallowed foods.
  • I do not feel whether I am hungry or full.
  • I often eat out of frustration, boredom, disappointment or sadness.
  • I often lose control over the amount of food I eat.

On the psychenet website, you can take a self-test. The questions can give you a clue as to whether you have an eating disorder


Are eating disorders dangerous for me?

Yes, eating disorders have very serious consequences. Continuous starvation leads to severe nutrient deficiencies. Severe obesity is also unhealthy. Both can cause permanent damage to your body: These include blood pressure disorders, fainting, hormonal imbalances, cycle disorders up to the absence of menstruation in girls, permanently damaged organs and depression.

How do I get out of an eating disorder?

Few sufferers manage to get out of eating disorders on their own. That is why it is absolutely important that you get help as early as possible to get out of secrecy. Your chances of recovery are greater the sooner you admit to a possible eating disorder and begin therapy.

Where can I find help?

The first step is to confide in someone to find out if you have an eating disorder. If you don't feel comfortable talking to your parents or another trusted person about the issue, it's best to turn to a specialized counseling center. Here you will meet trained professionals with whom you can talk openly and without bias about your difficulties. You can also do this online and anonymously on the Internet. The counseling is free of charge and absolutely confidential.

More informationLinks for further reading

You can get information and an initial consultation at the info phone on eating disorders of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). You can reach the advice line by calling 0221 892031 (Mondays to Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Fridays to Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.).

The online counseling center search of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) leads you directly to a counseling center for eating disorders near your home.

An overview of help networks for eating disorders in North Rhine-Westphalia with the respective contact persons can be found on the map of the networking initiatives for eating disorders.

The self-help organization ANAD informs you extensively on the Internet about the disease eating disorders and offers you a telephone and online counseling.

You can also turn to the number against sorrow. Specially trained experts will take time for you. They will advise you in 100 percent confidentiality. Call free of charge on 116 111 or contact the online counseling by mail.

The women's counseling centers in North Rhine-Westphalia advise girls and young women free of charge and in a protected setting. Here you can find an overview of the women's counseling centers in NRW.

On the pages of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs you will find information and related links on the topic of eating disorders.

The Internet portal about eating disorders of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) offers you detailed information at

Das Gesundheitsportal „” richtet sich direkt an Kinder und Jugendliche und bietet viele Infos und Tipps zu den Themen „Gesundes Essen und Gewicht”.