Men's health

Men, take care of your health: health checks and prevention are important!

Text last updated: 2024-02-15

Let's be honest: how healthy are you?

Alongside a healthy diet, exercise is one of the most important protective factors for physical, mental and social health. A regular early detection check-up helps to identify health risks in good time. As a father, you are also an important role model for your child in terms of health behavior. Be active and pass on a healthy lifestyle to your child. It's worth it!


According to statistics, men have a shorter life expectancy on average than women. The latest fact sheet on men's health from the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) shows where the greatest risk factors for men lie: For example, obesity, which affects almost two thirds (61.6 percent) of men, and the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Men are also less likely to take care of their health.

Early detection: Known, but too rarely used

The data compiled by the BZgA also shows that there is a lot of catching up to do when it comes to preventive healthcare. At 45.4 percent, only just under half of men regularly take advantage of health checks for the early detection of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and diabetes mellitus. Although 75.5 percent of men are aware of the health insurance companies' recommendations for cancer screening examinations, only 40 percent actually take advantage of these offers. There is also still room for improvement for many men when it comes to exercise: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least two and a half hours of "moderately strenuous endurance activity" per week for adults. However, only 48% of men in Germany achieve this.

Live healthier in the long term: Prevention courses help

In the balancing act between family and work, it is not always easy for fathers to integrate sufficient exercise or other preventative health measures into their everyday lives. Prevention programs offered by health insurance companies can be helpful here. These subsidized or subsidized programs aim to motivate people to do something for their own health in the long term. In the prevention courses, participants acquire new knowledge and new skills for maintaining their health, which they can continue to apply independently after the end of the program and integrate into their everyday lives. Appropriate courses are offered in areas such as exercise, nutrition, stress management and substance abuse. You can find eligible courses in your region on the website of your health insurance provider.

Stay in shape!

Fathers who want to get active together with their family will find extensive information material on the topics of nutrition and exercise at the IN FORM initiative of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the Federal Ministry of Health. IN FORM pursues the goal of sustainably improving nutrition and exercise behavior in Germany.

The portal Men's Health of the Federal Centre for Health Education BZgA provides detailed information on many topics, including "Nutrition", "Fitness & Sport", "Early Detection", "Mental Illness", "Mental Health" and "Addiction". Especially for fathers who feel stressed and overwhelmed by the double burden of work and family life, there are tips on how they can face everyday life more calmly with more exercise.

If you want to stay up to date, the Newsletter from the BZgA is the right thing for you. It provides regular information on the latest news, new projects and publications.

The "Men's Health" knowledge series provides tips for a healthy life in 25 short guides. Find out more here on the Familienportal.NRW.

You can download the booklets in the "Men's Health" knowledge series free of charge at

Data and facts on men's health in Germany are published at regular intervals by the BZgA.