Repurposing roles
When a working couple becomes parents, it's important to rethink roles. Do you both want to continue working - perhaps with a reduced number of hours? Or will one parent care for the majority of the offspring and possibly take a career step back? How much self-care can you and do you want to provide, how much outside care do you want? You should discuss these questions openly and at an early stage with your partner. The answers to these questions are individual, but at the same time essential for satisfaction in the new family constellation. On this topic, you can also read the article "Division of labor in the family" here on Familienportal.NRW, with tips and food for thought for making arrangements with your partner.
.After birth, your child initially plays the lead role around the clock. If you then want to share work and parenting responsibilities with your partner, it's important to adjust to a different rhythm early on. Consider how many hours per week you both want to and can work, and talk it over with your employers. Flexible working hours or the option of working from a home office make it easier to balance family and career. If you work in a company with more than 15 employees, you have a good chance of being able to work part-time.