Breaking off training prematurely

About the consequences of dropping out of training and what to do afterwards.

Text last updated: 2024-09-02

If the training relationship is terminated prematurely: This must be considered!

There are many reasons for dropping out of training. No one makes such a decision lightly. If all options and placement attempts have been exhausted, premature termination of the training contract may be unavoidable. Then there are a few things to consider. Read about the legal and financial consequences of termination and what to do after termination.


The decision is clear: when is the right time to give notice?

If, despite all discussions and possible advice and support offers, the decision is made not to continue the training, it is particularly important to consider how things can continue afterwards. The Federal Employment Agency recommends not actually dropping out of training until it is clear what alternative will follow.Information and advice on career guidance services can be obtained from the relevant employment agency, the careers information center and the communal coordination offices in North Rhine-Westphalia, which support young people in the transition from school to work.

What are the legal requirements for early termination of training?

If you are still in the probationary period, you can terminate the training contract at any time - without observing deadlines and without giving reasons. An informal letter to the training company is theoretically sufficient. Nevertheless, anyone making such a decision should seek a discussion beforehand and talk to the training supervisor about their reasons.

If the termination occurs after the contractually stipulated probationary period, the trainee must observe the statutory notice period. There is an exception if there are important reasons for termination without notice. This may be the case, for example, if health and safety regulations have not been adhered to or if sexual assault has occurred. Notice of termination must always be given in writing.

What are the consequences of premature termination of training?

If you end your training prematurely, you should consider the consequences carefully. When looking for a new training position, it is important to be able to give good reasons for dropping out of training. Otherwise, it can be difficult to gain the trust of a new training company. Trainees who decide to drop out should be able to clearly explain what they have learned from the experience and develop concrete ideas on how to move forward afterwards.

What should I do immediately after terminating my training contract?

If the training has been discontinued, the following matters must be addressed without delay.

  • Register as unemployed: Inform the relevant employment agency immediately that you have discontinued your training. You can also seek advice there and discuss further steps. If you have already paid into unemployment insurance for 12 months - i.e. after one year of training - you are entitled to unemployment benefit. However, the employment office will impose a suspension of three months if the training itself has been terminated.
  • Inform your health insurance provider: Check with your health insurance provider whether it is possible to switch back to family insurance. If you are entitled to unemployment benefit, you will automatically continue to be insured through the employment office.
  • Clarify claims to employers: Remaining vacation, overtime and wages must be paid by the last working day. Apprentices are also entitled to a reference.
  • Clear entitlement to child benefit: If you are still looking for a training position after dropping out and are still under 25, you are entitled to continued payment of child benefit. You must notify the Federal Employment Agency of the change. You can do this online on the website of the Federal Employment Agency.
  • Clarify any existing compulsory schooling: If the training started after the 9th or 10th grade and is then discontinued, compulsory schooling usually continues for the scheduled duration of the training. Compulsory schooling can be covered either by attending a vocational school as part of another apprenticeship or with a vocational orientation measure at a vocational school. It is also possible to complete the remaining compulsory schooling by attending a technical secondary school.

Maintenance obligation: Do parents still have to pay?

In principle, parents are obliged to support their child during their education. Even if the child drops out of education, parents cannot simply stop paying maintenance. Parents are obliged to enable their child to complete their education and to support them financially. This also applies if the child has already reached the age of majority. However, this usually only applies for a transitional period of 3 to a maximum of 12 months. The legislator assumes that an adult child will pay for themselves in this case. Further information on this can be obtained from the relevant employment agency or youth welfare office.

Where can we find help and advice?

The Federal Employment Agency can help with all questions relating to training and reorientation. You can request an appointment for a personal consultation online, by telephone (0800 4 555500) or via the contact form. A video consultation is also possible.

If the search for a suitable alternative training position is difficult, there is the option of taking advantage of accompanied coaching via the funded program "Ausbildungswege NRW". Information on this can be found on the portal of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs NRW.

Information about the "Ausbildungswege NRW" program for those interested in training can be found in the flyer of the same name.