Unfulfilled desire to have children
When a child is missing to family happiness
.Many couples wish to have a child together. However, if the hoped-for pregnancy does not occur even after a long time, feelings of inferiority and self-doubt often grow. The eternal waiting and worrying can be very grueling. Affected couples often experience this situation as stressful and painful. With medical advice, the causes can be found out and suitable treatment methods in reproductive medicine can be sought in order to perhaps become pregnant after all.

Causes of involuntary childlessness
The causes are varied and can lie with the woman or the man. In the search for the reasons, medical, psychological and external factors are distinguished.
What couples can do if pregnancy does not occur
As a couple, you can only get to the bottom of the individual causes with targeted medical examinations. Do not be afraid to talk openly about your concerns and seek medical advice. The first step is to clarify your fertility and examine the affected organs - both in the woman and in the man. You can contact your gynecologist or, initially, your family doctor. Specialized practices for fertility treatment or reproductive medicine can also be visited. To clarify the causes, comprehensive diagnostics are needed to rule out possible causes step by step. These include:
- Taking a medical history .
- Cycle observations by ultrasound and blood tests .
- Review of the hormonal system .
- Examinations of the fallopian tubes in women and semen quality in men .
- Depending on the individual case and findings, other special examinations are added .
On the basis of the findings, the affected couples decide how to proceed after a detailed consultation with the doctor. For some couples, hormonal treatment may be sufficient to allow a natural pregnancy. If pregnancy is hopeless this way, there is the possibility of artificial insemination.
Where to find help and advice?
Competent help and free advice is available to couples who are involuntarily childless in counseling centers, such as the pregnancy counseling centers and family counseling centers in North Rhine-Westphalia. Infertility counseling is also offered in reproductive medicine centers.
- You can find a family counseling center near you here.
- Pregnancy counseling centers can be found here.
About the Counseling Center Finder on the portal familienplanung.de of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) you can find more help locally In addition, there are self-help groups in some cities. Here you can share fears, concerns and experiences with other affected couples.