Parental allowance

The trend is continuing: the proportion of fathers in NRW receiving parental allowance is increasing.

Text last updated: 2024-06-10

More fathers in NRW take parental leave

Traditional role models are giving way: More and more fathers are taking an active part in the care and upbringing of their children. This can be seen, among other things, in the proportion of fathers receiving parental allowance. In 2023, the proportion of fathers in North Rhine-Westphalia among all parental allowance recipients increased again by 0.4 percentage points to 24.9% compared to 2022. Nationwide, the proportion of fathers was slightly higher at 26.2%. These are the latest statistics from the state statistics office IT.NRW.

Elterngeld Vater

Parental leave for fathers is becoming increasingly commonplace

Taking parental leave may still not be a matter of course for fathers, but the trend is clearly on the up. So if you are also thinking about taking time for your family and your child, you are in good company. The proportion of fathers receiving parental allowance has been rising steadily for years.

In North Rhine-Westphalia alone, around 99,900 men received parental allowance in 2023. Many fathers not only take parental leave for two months, but also want to take advantage of the opportunity to build a close bond with their child and experience unique moments together for a longer period of time. On average, men in North Rhine-Westphalia planned to take parental allowance for four months in 2023.

Significant differences between mothers and fathers

Although more and more fathers are opting to claim parental allowance, there are still significant differences between mothers and fathers, particularly in terms of the amount of entitlement and the duration of entitlement.

Let's take a closer look:

  • Around 301,500 women received parental allowance in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2023. This means that the number of women receiving parental allowance is still more than three times as high as the number of men (around 99,900).
  • The average planned duration of receipt for women in 2023 was around 14 months (nationwide, this figure was also around 14 months).

This analysis of parental allowance is based on the results of the parental allowance statistics from the Federal Statistical Office destatis. The data used here includes both basic parental allowance and parental allowance plus.

Well prepared for parental leave: Here are some tips!


All information on parental allowance, the different variants, the amount and the requirements, an FAQ and the application for parental allowance can be found here on the Familienportal.NRW.

The districts and independent cities in North Rhine-Westphalia are responsible for processing parental allowance. They can also advise you on all matters relating to parental leave on request. You can find the parental allowance office responsible for you at chancen.NRW by entering your zip code.

In the statistics portal of the Federal and State Statistical Offices, interactive maps and charts are available that illustrate regional differences in parental allowance receipt among men across Germany.